Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Vocabulary: Find the bolded vocabulary word. Look it up in a dictionary, and then write the definition that best fits the context.
Indent: Decide if each passage needs to be indented.

Capitalization: Check for proper capitalization.

Punctuation: Check for proper quotation marks and end marks.

Fragments: Watch for incomplete sentences.
Correct use of coordinating conjunctions (cc): avoid using cc’s to string together sentences; avoid starting sentences with a cc.
Correct use of who/which and who/whom

Commas: Correct comma errors. Some are missing; some are not needed.
Apostrophes: Correct apostrophe (’) errors.

Agreement: Check for subject/verb or noun/pronoun agreement.

Verb Tense: Check for consistency in verb tense (past or present).

Numbers: Spell out numbers written as one or two words.

Spelling: Watch for the correct spelling of common words.

Tricky words: Correct misuse of tricky words, homophones, contractions, and possessives..

Hand-write corrected FIX-IT on lined paper. Be sure to double-space.