Dear Class and Parents,
assigned homework is to write your essay (as many paragraphs as you want) based on your
parent’s suggested source(s).
Introduction and conclusion paragraphs are not required yet.
EVERY paragraph must contain EVERY required dress-up.
WRITE YOUR KWO FIRST. Use it as a guide. I understand that your finished essay will probably elaborate on, deviate from and/or expand on your original KWO.
Always start with a KWO.
Parents, you might want to suggest a topic based on your child’s current curriculum.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to integrate YOUR home-school curriculum with your IEW assignment. :-)
In EACH paragraph you should include and properly indicate:
one -ly word
one who/which clause
one because clause
a quality adjective
a strong verb
Introduction and conclusion paragraphs are not required yet.
EVERY paragraph must contain EVERY required dress-up.
WRITE YOUR KWO FIRST. Use it as a guide. I understand that your finished essay will probably elaborate on, deviate from and/or expand on your original KWO.
Always start with a KWO.
Parents, you might want to suggest a topic based on your child’s current curriculum.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to integrate YOUR home-school curriculum with your IEW assignment. :-)
In EACH paragraph you should include and properly indicate:
one -ly word
one who/which clause
one because clause
a quality adjective
a strong verb
. . . or any other form of these words
Use proper formatting! Remember, there are points deducted for incorrect heading, title, and/or formatting.
I hope you will transfer the techniques you learn in this class to your other subjects! It will be fun to hear the variety of topics that will be presented.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIX-ITs and VOCAB (#5)Starting this week, students will no longer be underlining the subject/verb. Instead, they will underline some dress-ups.
Dress-ups are simply additional words added to the sentence to dress it up and make it more
interesting. See the Appendix pages A-1 to 2 for more information.
The two dress-ups you will need to underline are the quality adjective and the “-ly”
Quality Adjective
Test for an adjective: The ___________ pen
It must be a quality adjective, which is one that adds a strong image or feeling.
“-ly” Adverb
An –ly adverb ends in -ly and is usually near a verb or an adjective.
To be an adverb, it will answer questions like “when?” “where?” “why?” “how?”
“in what way?” “how much?” and “to what extent?”
Editing Checklist
**Vocabulary: Find the bolded vocabulary word. Look it up in a dictionary, and then write the definition that best fits the context.
**Indent? Decide if each passage needs to be indented. Ask yourself, “Is it a new
topic, a new scene/time, or a new person speaking?” If yes, indent.
**Homophones: Correct faulty homophones, which are words that have the same sound but different spelling and meaning.
** Underline Dress-ups:
Learn to find
~~> the “-ly” adverb dress-up
~~> quality adjective dress-up (must be quality!)
** Rewrite the passage in your notebook. Be sure to double-space. Have your parents and/or teacher check and correct your work if necessary.
FIX-ITs and VOCAB (#5)
On this bright Saturday morning Tom felt prodigiously afflicted because Aunt
Polly had sternly ordered him too whitewash the fence.
Presently Ben Rogers ambled buy. He taunted Tom. “Poor chap, two bad you
cain’t come a-swimmin’ with me on such a hot day since you gotta work.”
“Why, ain’t a boy in a hundred gets too whitewash an illustrious fence like this
one,” Tom proudly announced two Ben.
Enthusiastically Ben offered too barter his shiny red apple in exchange four a
turn two whitewash.
More tricky homophones to watch for:
Sally bought four candy bars. four = 4
She bought them for Bobby. (not the number)
I will walk by the fence. by = position
I will buy lots of candy. buy = to purchase
Those are your candy bars. your = possessive
You’re a nice person. you’re = you are
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