This week your assignment is to write a descriptive essay.
1) You may describe the picture you were given in class on October 12
2) You may describe a place that is related to your homeschool curriculum.
For example:
If you are studying American History, you may want to describe a colonial town or home.
If you are studying birds, you might want to describe an aviary or a bird watching nook.
If you are studying Botany, you might choose to describe a garden or or greenhouse.
If you recently went on a field trip, you may decide to describe an exhibit, tour, IMAX movie, or the car ride there.Students who are 10 or younger may write one, two, or three paragraphs, your choice.
Students who are older than 10 should write three paragraphs.
Include and indicate all dress-ups that have been covered* and avoid the banned words.
Make absolutely sure that your topic sentences and clinchers match.
The clincher must repeat, reflect, reiterate or re-state the topic sentence.
Remember your KWO and checklist (fill in your checklist with words where appropriate).
Use descriptive words to paint a sensory picture of the space.
There should be at least 4 senses described in each paragraph. Make your space come alive to the reader.
How did it look?
How did it sound ?
How did it smell?
How did it feel (literally or in terms of mood, countenance, temperament, atmosphere or disposition)?
How did it taste (can be figurative)?
Be prepared to write an SAT essay first thing next week. It will just take the first 25 minutes of class.
If any student wants to correct their essays, I will grade it again and average the scores together. You have until the week before Thanksgiving break to re-write any assignment. After that, the option is expired. I do have missing assignments from some students. If you think you have not turned in an assignment, I will be happy to confirm that with you before/after class.
Your Fix It is below.
I hope you have a great week! Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments.
All 7 dress-ups that have been covered* =
"ly" word ----- AKA "adverb" (write the word in your checklist)
ww ---------- who or which clause
b/c ----------- because clause
QA ----------- Quality Adjective (write the word in your checklist)
SV ----------- Strong Verb (write the word in your checklist)
(1) ----------- Subject Opener (write the beginning of the sentence in your checklist)
(6) ----------- VSS = very short sentence (5 words or less)
Required "indicator" examples can be found here.Here are the crib notes:
Dress-ups are bolded and underlined
(6) Very Short Sentences are numbered within parenthesis, bolded, and highlighted with yellow
Vocabulary words are highlighted with light blue.
Week 7
when at first the sisters had
permission to ascend to the surface
they were each delighted, now as grown-up girls however they could go when they
pleased, and had grown indifferent to it.
They wished themselves back again in the water, and after a
month had past they said it was much more picturesque
down below, and often pleasanter to be at home.
Having still to wait her turn the youngest sister felt quite
forlorn. Oh were I but fifteen years
old spoke she I know that I should love the world up there, and all the people
which live in it.
At last the little mermaid reached
her 15th year well now you are grown up said the old dowager her grandmother let me adorn
you like your sisters lovingly she placed a wreath of white lilys in her hair.
Information for Mrs. Cortez
Correlation to 2011-2012 Lesson Plan:Valley Forge
Information for Mrs. Cortez
Correlation to 2011-2012 Lesson Plan:Valley Forge
Correlation to 2012-2013 Lesson Plan:
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