Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Sunday, September 30, 2012

for Friday, October 5, 2012 (3Ps Parent's Choice) fi4

Dear Class and Parents,

The assigned homework is to write three paragraphs from a fable OR non-fiction topic. Introduction and conclusion paragraphs are not required yet.
WRITE YOUR KWO FIRST. Use it as a guide. I understand that your finished essay will probably elaborate on, deviate from and/or expand on your original KWO.
Always start with a KWO.

Parents may give you topic suggestions from your own classes/school.  ~~~~~~~~~~~>
This is a perfect opportunity for you to integrate YOUR home-school curriculum with your IEW assignment.  :-) 

In EACH paragraph you should include and properly indicate:

one -ly word
one who/which clause
one because clause
a quality adjective
a strong verb
1 point extra credit -per paragraph- if you use no banned words

:-) Use proper formatting! Remember, there is -10 point deduction for incorrect heading, title, or formatting (each) beginning with this assignment.

I hope you will transfer the techniques  you learn in this class to your other subjects!  It will be fun to hear the variety of topics that will be presented.

3 paragraph essay with KWO and checklist stapled to the back
Vocabulary words

I hope you have a great week! 

The FIX-IT is below.

I hope you have a great week!

Week 4
To her, it seemed most amazing that flowers of the land should have fragrance, and that fish among the tree’s could sing so sweetly, when you have reached your 15th year said the grandmother. You will have our sanction to rise up out of the sea. [quotation continues]

you may sit on the rocks in the luminous moonlight while the great ships are sailing by in the following year, one of the sister’s would be 15 since each mermaid was a year younger then the next the youngest would have to endure 5 years before her turn came.

However each promised to tell the others’ what they discovered on their impending visit, and what they thought the most pleasing, because there grandmother could not tell them as much as they wanted to know.

None of them yearned so much for their turn to come as the younger. She who had the longest time to wait, and who was so quiet and thoughtful

Information for Mrs. Cortez 
Correlation to 2011-2012 Lesson Plan: Monet
Correlation to 2012-2013 Lesson Plan: BPAs

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