INTRO -- SKIP THIS until you get to the last step
This is in place to "hook" the audience's interest
It will include your opener, which could be:
It will include your opener, which could be:
- Scripture
- Story or
- Quote
- Hello, my name is ___________ and I would like to discuss the
meaning and significance of __________________ OR
- Hello, my name is ________________ and I have drawn the question,
"What is the meaning and significance of __________________
- I will address this question through 3 points
- Meaning
- Significance
- Application
POINT 1) MEANING: define
________________ means / is defined as / _________________________.
Quote your source if applicable
- Why is this?
- What is important about this?
- What would happen if we did not believe this? (Who is “WE?” à Believers / Christians / Catholics / a Nation
/ Brothers and Sisters in Christ / Children of God / a people /-- decide
which and proceed accordingly)
Use Quotes, Scripture,
- What should I do with this? (Consider your audience -- and
proceed accordingly)
- What should we do?
- Tie back to INTRO
- Because _____________________ we should ______________________.
4) RE-CAP:
We looked at the meaning
of ____________________
We (have) looked at its
significance (____________________)
And we (have) looked at
what this means to (for) us as Believers /Christians / Catholics / a Nation /
Brothers and Sisters in Christ / Children of God / a people /
Scripture or Quote (or repeat a major one / a powerful one / a completely
logical one, etc.)
Use Scripture (Gospels)
Please choose one of the following questions:
- What is the meaning and
significance of the image of God.
- What is the meaning and
significance of original sin.
- What is the meaning and
significance of the virgin birth?
- What is the meaning and
significance of the Incarnation?
- What is the meaning and
significance of Jesus as the Word if God?
- What is the meaning and
significance of Jesus as the Lamb of God?
- What is the meaning and
significance of Biblical canon.
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