Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Friday, January 31, 2014

Due Friday, February 7, 2014 (3P, master vocab list, etc)

I am so very proud of you! Your work in class today was amazing! I hope you will read today's paragraph to your parents. 

• Remember to ask your parents to review the contents of your manilla envelope. Be sure to have them sign the outside again. By signing the envelope, they are indicating that they are participating by helping you with this class.
Do this every week. 

• File your work
appropriately so that you will be able to find it later.
• Bring your up-to-date Master Vocabulary List to class. We will have a vocabulary test. Yes, you may use your notes. :-)
• Remember to keep up with your reading.  
The Secret Garden is a great book!
• Work on your PORTFOLIOS. Keep them up to date.

• Now it is time to write a finished version of all three paragraphs.
Be prepared to read your three paragraph essay in class.  Your essay should include the following dress-ups and openers:

asia QA SV
Indicate them properly. 
T/C (Topic/Clincher)
Extra credit will be awarded for alliterations, metaphors, similes, vocab -- previous rules apply.
When you turn in your 3-P essay, include your KWOs, checklist, and @ least 1 rough draft of the 3-Ps.
Staple everything together NEATLY and be sure your name is on every single page.

As you can see, I have included the notes from the board. I hope they are  helpful reminders . . .

We will soon be constructing fabulous introductions and and wonderful conclusions.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Due Friday, January 31, 2014 (Déjà vu)

This week's assignment is a two-parter (plus your Literature assignment).  Déjà vu!

1) Write a 1 paragraph rough draft using last week's KWO notes. Be prepared to read it in class.

2) Remember the last two weeks' assignments? Use your brainstorming list & do "c" one more time.  a) Choose a subject. (done√)

b) Brainstorm
@ least 10 different topics related to that subject. (done√)

c) Choose another 1 of those topics and brainstorm for details. Write those ideas in ~KWO form (do again)

1) You should be reading The Secret Garden.

2) Your vocab words are also due on Friday.
 Part of speech, definition, and a sentence using the vocab word (or expression) properly.

Parents, here is the word list. Your student should have these in his/her notes.

 "sour expression"

What is déjà vu?
It is a is French term and means, literally, "already seen."  

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Due Friday, January 24, 2014 (2-parter: 1 RD paragraph & another topic KWO)

This week's assignment is a two-parter.

1) Write a 1 paragraph rough draft using last week's KWO notes. Be prepared to read it in class.

2) Remember last week's assignment? Using your brainstorming list & do "c" again. 

a) Choose a subject. (done√)

b) Brainstorm
@ least 10 different topics related to that subject. (done√)

c) Choose another 1 of those topics and brainstorm for details. Write those ideas in ~KWO form (do again)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Due Friday, January 17, 2014 (Brainstorming Assignment)

This week's assignment is all about brainstorming.

Brainstorming is a skill and it is also fun. The assignment this week is to:

• Choose a subject

Brainstorm different topics related to that subject (@ least 10)

• Choose 1 of those topics and brainstorm for details

Here is an example of each step. We worked through examples together in class but . . . . . 

I know it is helpful for parents to see examples.


1) Choose a subject
Please note that animals are a good choice for this assignment 

(-as we practiced & discussed in class-)

2) Brainstorm different topics related to that subject. Come up with @ LEAST 10 topics
(-as we practiced & discussed in class-)
In class we chose "dogs" and our topics list looked something like this:

Care, Grooming

How to find the best dog for a person/family
Sports with dogs
Dog Shows
Famous dogs
Careers that involve dogs
Dog Rescue organizations

3) Choose 1 of those topics and brainstorm for details that you would like to write about. Use your KWO skills to record your ideas succincllty and clearly.
(-as we practiced & discussed in class-)
For example:

Careers that involve dogs
~~> Veterinarian
   must love dogs
   school beyond B.A.
   need good grades
   can wk w/ other animals also
~~> Policeman - K9 unit
   partner is dog

         drug sniffing dogs
         tracking dogs (escaped prisoners - example)
   strong bond
   must trust ea. other
~~>  Dog Trainers
   like dog whisperer   :-)
   help w/ troublesome habits
   prepare dogs 4 shows
   obedience training
   training 4 dog shows 
(-as we discussed in class-)

Need some help choosing a subject?  Ask a parent to help you explore these website for ideas . . . 

Snow Diving Foxes