Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Due October 4 (Aesop, FIX-IT 3, VOCAB TEST)

                                                                         As easy as A, B, C . . . . . . .  . 
FIX-IT #3          

A)  Aesop Fable Essay

All dress-ups  
(ly,  ww,  b/c,  asia,  SV,  QA)  
#2 (prepositional opener) and #3 (ly adverb opener)  
No banned words 
No contractions   
Avoid dialogue   

B)  Frog Prince Fix It #3 
      (Hand-  written, space between lines)

C)  Vocabulary & Memorize those Quotes!  



Week 3 
King Mortons greatest mortification had occured 2 years earlier at a dinner party for the ambassador of nordicland. Taking an instant dislike to the ambassadors son whom, truth be told, was a bit of a brat Dorinda squirted mouthwash into his sturgeon roe soup from a travel bottle she carried in her purse. 
Despite the fact that the youngster from nordicland felt quite queasy she had no mercy. During the obligatory dance following the dinner rapidly and repeatedly she twirled him around. Last scene, he was rushing to the royal restroom’s noticeably green. 

Threatening to sever diplomatic ties the Ambassador quit the palace the following morning in a fury. As he expressed it to his attaché the King can hardly run a country if he can’t rule his own daughter 

King Morton still blushed when he recalled that day, it took several months’ of diplomatic negotiations to smooth over the episode. Worst Dorinda never seemed to understand that she was responsible. 


•  Our 1st Vocabulary Test will be October 4.
•  Memorize Your Quotes! 
    They will be included on the 2nd Vocabulary Test (October 25).


Ask your parents to check these practice tests.

WORD BANK                                  

  1. courtiers                                        
  2. decorous                                       
  3. diplomatic                                    
  4. drivel                                            
  5. folderol                                         
  6. inarticulately                               
  7. mortification                                
  8. obstinate                                       
  9. prestigious                                  
  10. queasy                                           
  11. sever                                              
  12. vehemently                                 
a) with proper dignity and manners                 _______

b) nonsense; meaningless talk or thinking       _______

c) foolish talk or ideas                                         _______

d) forcefully; with strong emotion                     _______

e) an adverb meaning - muddled or unclear    _______

f) stubborn or inflexible                                       _______

g) people in attendance at the court of a king  _______

h) respected; distinguished; honored                _______

i) feeling of shame or humiliation                      _______

j) feeling sick to the stomach; nauseous            _______

k) break off or dissolve; cut off                           _______

l) skillful, tactful in handling negotiations 
   and other relations with foreign countries     _______


There is no greater example of an ______________ child than one in full blown tantrum mode.

The star player on the team felt total _____________ when he dropped the ball in the last inning and lost the game.

Eating too much junk food can make people feel ______________.

1) The little boy was too shy to speak clearly and so no one understood him when he  _____________ asked for lemonade.

2) The ______________ award displayed on the doctor's wall impressed and reassured his patients.

3) The prank created such animosity that the two people involved decided to ____________ their friendship.

4) The coronation was celebrated with complete _____________ and gentility.

5) Her etiquette was perfectly  _______________ befitting her new role as queen.

6) He ________________ denied that his feelings were hurt and even though he was passionate, the coach did not believe him.

Which two vocabulary words are synonyms?  _________________ &  ________________.


What part of speech are these words?

Which answer is the most diplomatic response to the question, "Don't you think that girl's dress is ugly?"
a) Yes, it is hideous!
b) You are a horrible person for asking that!
c) I think it is a pretty color; maybe it's not your style and that's why you don't care for it."
d) I think the dress is pretty but the girl is ugly.

Which one of our vocabulary words is plural?   _____________________________________

Which one of our vocabulary words has a pre-fix?  __________________________________
When you take away the pre-fix, the new word is the opposite of the vocabulary word.

How would you turn "mortification" into a verb?  __________________________________


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Due September 27 (Science & FIX-IT 2)

Week 2  
Worst, she was texting for amusement too her own sister, Maribella—in the same palace! And when he demanded it back Dorinda had inarticulately mumbled something about not being able to locate it 
His youngest daughter—now there was another topic that brought red to his face unlike her only sister princess Dorinda had been an obstinate child from toddlerhood. 

Never one to obey anyone to say nothing of His Royal Highness himself she would escape from the nursery to find mischeif wherever she could. Once she stealed into the throne room, swinging on the chandelier’s, and landing at the feet of the scandalized courtiers

And another time, she upset the prestigious new employee in the kitchen the Iron Chef himself, he was experimenting with sturgeon roe ice cream when she sneaked a taste making a wry face at the concoction. 


SCIENCE ESSAY - choose your paragraph

• Create a KWO

• Using just your KWO, write your ROUGH DRAFT

• Improve and Proof  (repeat as necessary)



who/which  clause 
because clause
ly adverb
properly used and indicated vocabulary words are extra credit

1) Staple together & Submit:
    FINAL COPY  (top copy)
    Checklist  (bottom copy)

      Also Submit 
2) FIX-ITs 

3) Vocabulary Words


•  Our 1st Vocabulary Test will be October 4.
•  Memorize Your Quotes! They will be included on the 2nd Vocabulary Test (October 25).


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Due September 20 (KWOs & FIX-IT 1)

KWOs  (hand-written)
FIX-IT  (hand-written)


Create Key Word Outlines for the paragraphs you were given in class.  

Practice using only your KWO to tell the "story" of your paragraphs. 

Please use a proper heading on each page and staple pages together. You will be turning these in at the beginning of class. 

I will hand your work back to you so that you can re-tell the "story" of your paragraph in class using just your KWO.

Your FIX-IT paragraphs follow after the FIX-IT directions.  
Your VOCABULARY WORDS are in the FIX-IT paragraphs.

  • Find the bolded vocabulary word. Students should look words up in a dictionary and then write key words of the definition that best fit that context. Be sure to include:  part of speech, definition, and a sentence using the vocabulary word.
  • Search for the imbedded errors in the passage. Hint: read the passage aloud to find errors more easily.  
  • Rewrite the corrected passage  on lined paper, indenting for paragraphs where appropriate.  Add new passages to the old so that they tell one continuous story. 
  • Skip  lines (write on every other line) to allow room for additional teacher-directed corrections.  

Hand-write your FIX-ITs. 
This forces your brain to slow down and process every word and mark of punctuation.  

Week 1 

Several hundred years ago, in an obscure kingdom, tucked away among the alps, rained a decorous and dignified King. Ruling Monarch in a line of Monarchs that stretched back to the middle ages. 

King Morton esteemed values, and he would have none of this recent drivel of dropping “Sir” and Madam when addressing ones elders. Nor could he tolerate modern jargon “sweet” should refer to pastry’s; cool ought too refer too the temperature; good night should be a nighttime parting. 

He became livid on the subject of modern gadgets. Just so much folderol in his opinion.  Because downloading movies on iPods would guarantee eye problem’s when children reached his distinguished age. 

Moreover didnt they realize cell phones were intended for emergencies only. Only yesterday the palace accountant had vehemently, complained two him that the youngest of his 2 daughters had racked up 1000 text messages on her cell phone—in a single month! 


VOCABULARY WORK should be separate from FIX-IT corrections. This should be completed on a computer and printed out.  Always save your computer generated assignments on your hard drive.


Thursday, September 7, 2017

What Should I Bring to Class?

                          Our first class is Wednesday, September 13 from 1:00 to 3:00


  3-ring binder with 5 dividers, page protectors, & loose leaf paper

•  a yellow and a blue highlighter

•  a mechanical pencil OR pencil & sharpener OR a pen

•  Student Resource Notebooks will be available 
    for purchase if you do not have one yet.

           They are also available online for $35.00.
           The copies I have are $20.00.

A manilla envelope will be given to each student.
Students should place completed assignments into the envelope and bring it to class. Parents, please review your student's work, and sign their envelope every week.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Calendar of Lessons 2017-18

Sept 20 KWO   FIX-IT#1
Sept 27 Science Paragraphs  FIX-IT#2

Oct 4 Aesop's Fable re-write  FIX-IT#3  (Vocab Test)
Oct 11 Anthropomorphism/Personification  FIX-IT#4
Oct 18 Narrative w/ picture prompt (event sequencing)  FIX-IT#5
Oct 25 Saint Essay  FIX-IT#6  (Vocab Test)

Nov 1 Re-writes  FIX-IT#7
Nov 8 3-Panel & Portfolio & Resume   no FIX-IT
Nov 15 T-day   FIX-IT#8 
Nov 29 Analogy  FIX-IT#9,10 

Dec 6 Chiasmus  FIX-IT#11
Dec 13 Letter   FIX-IT#12
Dec 20 Open Lesson  FIX-IT#13,14 

OVER THE BREAK: Be sure you are keeping up with  FIX-ITs #15,16,17

Jan 17  SNOW DAY  FIX-IT#18
Jan 24 Pablo will be your teacher, Haikus, and in class essay  FIX-IT#19 
Jan 31 - Perfect your in-class essay, Portfolios to date
FIX-IT catch-up! Complete up to #19

February 7 - 3 Body Paragraphs (City Report)  FIX-IT#20  (Vocab Test)
Feb 14 Intro/Conclusion (City Report)  FIX-IT#21
Feb 21 Child's ABC Book  FIX-IT#22
Feb 28 - 5 Paragraph (City Report)  FIX-IT#23

Mar 7 Library Biography Essay FIX-IT#24
Mar 21 Cat/Moon FIX-IT#25,26  (Vocab Test)

April 4 Encyclopedia Essay (Penguins)  FIX-IT#27,28
               Mrs. Harrelson and I will team teach! Wooowhooo!   

April 11 Great Art   FIX-IT#29  
April 18 Apologetics FIX-IT#30
April 25 Nursery Rhyme FIX-IT#31  (Final Vocab Test)

May 2 Table of Contents / Portfolio FIX-IT#32
FIX-IT # 33 We will do this one in class.
May 9 Favorite Essay Reading and Game

MAKE-UP classes:
FIX-IT reviews, grammar help, Q&A, individual tutoring, and in-class essays