Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Due April 11 (GREAT ART & FIX-ITs 28,29)

What an incredibly cool class we had with Mrs. Harrelson!
Assigned art was given out in class on April 4.  

All Dress-Ups - indicated at least one time in the whole essay
Openers 2, 3, 5, 6  - indicated at least one time in the whole essay
1 DEC - indicated at least one time in the whole essay

 Parish Maity Indian artist  

FIX-ITs 28 & 29

Week 28 
Well that seems a flimsy excuse to bother his uncle Dorinda interrupted the poor man just wanted a drink of water why did Robert trust his dog over his uncle 

Hounds, and other nonhuman creatures sometimes have a tad of wisdom Arthur commented try and see what happens and you’ll understand. Dorinda waited more 
 Cupping his hands again the king started to collect more of the precious liquid again Robert jiggled his uncles hands signaling that they should check the source before drinking [quotation continues] 
Again Arthur ignored his nephew callously pushing him away the 3rd time Hrothgar came to his rescue jumping up against the king, and spilling the water. [quotation continues] 

Week 29 

King Arthur lost all patients that hound dog is forever banished from my kingdom he snapped at his nephew. And you must quit Camelot and return to your home for such insubordination. [Arthur’s story continues but not the king’s words] 

Grievingly Robert turned away signaling Hrothgar to his side, and through the woods he wound his way back to the castle anxious in his heart for his uncles safety yet discerning their was nothing he could do. [quotation ends] 

Well I would have made that King listen to me Dorinda exclaimed! How would you have accomplished that queried Arthur? Kings are all powerful plus Robert couldn’t speak I guess your write Dorinda realized Go on. Tell me the rest of the story 

Frustrated king Arthur decided to climb to the top of the cliff where he could drink from the pool of water collected above hand over hand he made the laborious climb [quotation continues] 


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