• Essay: Answer the Question. You may use as many sources as you want.
~~> Essays should be typed.
~~> Follow the essay format requirements.
~~> List your sources at the bottom of your essay.
~~> Staple your KWO and checklist to the back of your final copy essays.
Banned Words: eat, see, come, big, nice, pretty, go, say, get~~> No banned words (nor any conjugations, inflected forms, plurals, comparatives, or superlatives of the banned words)
• Include the checklist! 10 point deduction if the checklist is missing.
• KWOs, vocabulary words, Fix Its should be handwritten.
• Sept 24th - Vocabulary Test on words from weeks 1-4.
Know the part of speech, definition, & correct use of the word in a sentence.
• Write/type your name on everything.

2) Essay:
Write one paragraph essay answering the question received in class.
Include SV, Q/A, B/C, W/W, -LY
+ vocab for extra credit
3) Fix It
4) Vocabulary assignment and study for test
2) Essay:
Write one paragraph essay answering the question received in class.
Include SV, Q/A, B/C, W/W, -LY and
(2) [prepositional opener]
+ vocab for extra credit
3) Fix It
4) Vocabulary assignment and study for test
2) Essay:
Write one paragraph essay answering the question received in class.
Include SV, Q/A, B/C, W/W, -LY, AISA, T/C,
(2) [prepositional opener],
(3) [-ly opener], and
(6) [VSS],
+ vocab for extra credit
3) Fix It
4) Vocabulary assignment and study for test
Fix Its:
- Introduce the #3 “-ly” adverb opener. Now that students know this opener, the “-ly” adverb dress-up should be underlined only if it is in the sentence, not the first word.
- Have you ever heard the term antecedent? It means “to come before.” When you use pronouns (he, she, it), it needs to be clear what noun you are referring to that came before. If it is not clear, you had better not use the pronoun. Watch for that this week! It is an advanced concept.
- Watch for compound sentences where two main clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction. A comma is needed. See Comma Rule #9 on page A-11 in the Appendix: MC, cc MC.
Week 5
of indulgence had spoiled her beyond recognition however she recalled a
time in her childhood when her charge had seemed a lovable tractable and contented child.
She use to bring pictures she had drawn two Lady Constance and she had cuddled in her lap in the evenings. Sadly, when Dorindas mother was alive no expense had been spared too gratify the princess’s.
No extravagance was to grate: Disneys Princess Castle Ground became thier playground, they each owned a personal set of the European Girl dolls and thier friends, with thier complete wardrobes, and ubiquitous furniture and accessories.
Shaking her head in dismay Lady Constance one day clucked to Lady Inwaiting its no wonder that child has turned out so blemished. [quotation continues]
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