Write a letter to a loved one, preferably to someone you care about greatly.
Choose someone who would especially appreciate a letter from you.
Suggestions in class included:
1) Brother or sister in college
2) Grandparent
3) Aunt fighting cancer
4) Pen-pal
5) Retired Priest or Nun
6) A sponser child
7) A shut-in, Meals-on-Wheels
If you need someone to write to, I personally know:
a jet fighter named Clancy who is overseas & could always use a letter from
home. I also know a cloistered nun who would love to hear from a young person.
I also know certain young man (14) who is discerning the priesthood and is at
school 1000 miles away from home.
• Brainstorm subjects you might want to write about.
• Create your KWO next! Jot down reminders of what you want to share. See the list of ideas at the end of this post.
• Staple RD, Checklist and KWO to finished letter
• Minimum 3 paragraphs.
1st Year: @ least 4 sentences per paragraph.
JV & V: @ least 5 sentences per paragraph.
Include at least one of each dress-up and each opener and each DEC in your whole letter. I AM NOT REQUIRING 1 per paragraph as usual. Soooooooo, start a new paragraph when you switch topics. Make sure each paragraph has at least 5 to 6 sentences minimum (JV & V).
4 sentences minimum for 1st Years.
No T/C required.
Keep a copy without the bolding, underlining, etc., so that you can mail to your loved one.
Keep a copy without the bolding, underlining, etc., so that you can mail to your loved one.
Sweaters here Sunday
Rain on Mon
Roses happy 7Bloomed!
Dogs loving it
Fido outside lots
TY 4 sweater (still use!)
liked zigzag embroidery
People compliment
Never want 2 outgrow
I like class
Kisses 4 Kate bk.
Writing getting better
A's on papers
Read w/ microphone
Share w/ U soon
Sister's school picture
Silly smile
Blinked eyes
Teacher laughed
Re-taking next week
Football game w/ neighbors
Parents against kids
P' better than expected!
I caught pass
Sister made touchdown
kids won
Thanksgiving plans
Can U come?
Miss you
@ least Skype
Homily @ Mass good 1!
Priest told joke
Gospel from Matthew
I understood & liked b/c
Had 2 explain 2 brother
Included fav Bible verse
Reading next Sun.'s B4 Mass
Easier to follow
Learning to kayak
Fell in twice
Water not deep
Dad took picture
Will post on FB
Practiced again yesterday
River pretty & clam
Heron, Fish, Dragonflies

1) DRESS UP requirements:
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2) OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (vss)
3) Fix It #8
4) Vocabulary assignment
1) DRESS UP requirements:
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2) OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (5), (vss)
3) DEC requirements:
(ALLIT), (Q?), (SIM)
4) Fix It & Vocab #8
1) DRESS UP requirements:
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2) OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (4), (5), (vss)
3) DEC requirements:
(ALLIT), ("Q"), (Q?), (SIM)
4) Fix It & Vocab #8
Fix Its:
Remember that periods and commas go inside the closing quotation marks.
- Correctly use like or as. Like is a preposition and should be followed by an object to create a prepositional phrase (she sings like a bird). As is a conjunction and should be followed by a clause with a subject and a verb (she sings as a bird does).
- A predicate nominative is the noun following a linking verb such as “is.” Example: She is the queen. Queen is the predicate nominative. Use I instead of me if it is a predicate nominative. Do not say, “It is me.” Instead say, “It is I.”
Week 8
If you would permit me madam I should be honored to rescue your plaything”, a throaty voice offered. And Dorindas tears dried instantly as she looked around for the person belonging to the voice.
A little flustered when sighting no one, she inquired “pray tell, who has tendered such a thoughtful offer Groomed in courtly speech Dorinda could talk as a princess when convenient.
a slimy putrid green amphibian hopped toward her on the rim of the
well, croaking, “It was me Dorinda let lose a spine tingling shriek and
nearly ran away, her inquisitiveness got the better of her however.
“How is it you can talk Mr Frog” “Its a dull story but maybe I’ll tell it to you one day, for the present, would you like me to salvage your ball?”
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