Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Due October 29 (EssayContest & FI #10)

You should use our regular indications in the essay that you submit to me.

The essay that you submit to the contest should NOT have any bolding, underlining, or highlighting.

Please check out the website for all details. This contest is for students ages 7–19. You will write a short essay (700 words max) based on the theme prompts at the website, corresponding to your age category. Each student may submit two (2) different essays. Your entry must be postmarked no later than November 1, 2014.


Cash congratulations, plus a wonderful transcript booster!

Age Category 1 2 3
First $100 $150 $200
Second $75 $100 $150
Third $50 $50 $100
Honorable Mentions (2) $25 $25 $50


Our world has been shaped by the inventions of the past; with inventors improving and building on those of previous generations. Every item we use—from the toothbrush to the smartphone—was invented by someone using his or her God-given creativity and intellect to do something! Our themes for this year’s contest focus on inventing or inventions.
Reminders about upcoming assignments:
November 5: 

November 12: 
Make sure have read The Magician's Nephew

• Essays should be typed. Be sure to follow all essay format requirements 
• KWOs, vocabulary words, Fix Its should be handwritten.
• Staple your KWO, your checklist, & @ least 1 RD to your final copy essay. 

1)  DRESS UP requirements:  
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2)  OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (vss)

3)  Fix It #9
4)  Vocabulary assignment
no banned words & no contractions

1)  DRESS UP requirements:  
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2)  OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (5), (vss)

3)  No DEC requirements:
4)  Fix It & Vocab #9

no banned words & no contractions

1)  DRESS UP requirements:  
ly, ww, bc, asia, QA, SV
2)  OPENER requirements:
(2), (3), (4), (5), (vss)

3)  No DEC requirements:
4)  Fix It & Vocab #9

no banned words & no contractions 

Fix Its: 

Review comma rules after certain openers. See Comma Rules 3-6 in the Appendix page A-10. Also discuss that commas are needed after long introductory elements.  
Week 10  
You didnt tell me it was solid gold he wheezed. Princess Dorinda didnt hear him, she had all ready skipped back to the palace, tickled with the return of her treasure.  
That evening while the royal family dined sumptuously they heard a faint tapping at the castle door, moments later, the footman appeared, with a message for Princess  
“Princess” he began. You have a visitor at the door excusing herself from the table Dorinda hastened away. When she opened the door however blood drained from her  
face, their squatted the forbearing frog.  
“You forgot you’re pledge to treat me hospitably at the palace” he croaked she slammed the door in his face. Dorinda who was at the door, King Morton inquired when she returned to the table.  

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