Reading maketh a full man . . . . . Speaking maketh a ready man . . . . . Writing maketh an exact man.

~~Sir Francis Bacon

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Due October 11 (Personification & FIX-IT 4)


• all dress-ups
• openers 2, 3, 5, 6(vss)
• Topic/Clincher
• no banned words  
• no contractions
• avoid dialogue

Final copy (on top)
rough draft
Checklist (on bottom)

Write your essay from the perspective of an animal. Use the literary device of anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism is often referred to as personification but there is a slight difference between the two. Anthropomorphism is a type of personification that gives human characteristics to non-humans or objects - especially animals. Anthropomorphism is a literary device that makes objects or animals seem human.

Your essay this week should be from the perspective of an animal. It should also  should tell the reader about a historical event or a distinctive time in history.  Think to yourself, "What if I was an animal living in the world during a specific time in history? What would I think? How would I perceive the world? What would my perspective be? What unique perspective might I have?"


Here are your historical choices.
  1. The Great Depression filled the space between America’s Prohibition 
    (which was still in effect during the Depression) and World War II. The Depression affected the entire world. Well-to-do people lost everything and found themselves standing in food lines. Ordinary people went to extraordinary measures to get a meager meal. Meanwhile, someone, somewhere profited.
  2. Write a story centered on entertainment technologies of the past. The entertainment industry boomed in the twentieth century. Technology 
    changed entertainment from an attraction you paid to see in a theater or other public setting to something you could enjoy from the comfort of your home. Every home had a radio. Black-and-white silent films evolved into Technicolor talkies. Now we have the Internet. 
  3. Write a story that is set around an important historical figure. Think: saint, leader, martyr scientist, performer, author, poet, musician, composer, athlete.
  4. Write a story that is set around a wonderful invention. Examples: the first airplane, the discovery of electricity, the telephone, morse code, the telescope, the automobile, the cotton gin.
  5. Choose a war or battle from history as your writing prompt. It will be easier to focus on a specific incident rather than the whole war.
  6. Throughout history, people have emigrated across land and ocean. Write a story about a voyage


Week 4 
Older now, Princess Dorinda had earned a name for beauty reaching into the furthest kingdoms. With the latest fad—a beauty spot—perched high on her cheek, and her hair twisted into a powdered pompadour Princess Dorinda fancied herself quiet chic. 
Alas her beauty was flawed by her reputation for finickiness, and, dare I mention it, self-centeredness. Time and again king Morton had urged her to consider 1 or another young suitor, time and again she had refused all the eligible, young men. 

None are wealthy enough, or titled enough to suite her all too high Highness. During these reflections, King Morton shakes his head in abject despair dislodging his jewel encrusted crown. 

He wasn’t the only 1 clucking his tongue in consternation over princess Dorinda, lady Constance her elder companion since childhood had virtually given up on training her young charge in true, courtly behavior. 

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